MetaDAQ Tech-Talk at VIP 2011 Fürstenfeldbruck
In october 2011 we gave a technical talk about measurement and analysis of microvibrations on rotary machine at the VIP 2011.
The VIP (Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis) is National Instrument’s (NATI) largest european exhibition/congress.
In 2011 it took place in Fürstenfeldbruck near Munich.
Microvibrations on rotary machine may occure due to imbalance, axis misalignment, motor disturbances or ball bearing issues.
We described our solution (The MyVibSystem) to perform automated measurements, analysis and reporting on rotary machine.
The slides from our VIP 2011 presentation

Slide 1: motivation for automated microvibration measurements

Slide 2: Topics, overview

Slide 3: Spacewheels are used to compensate external forces on satellites in space

Slide 4: Principle of operation of spacewheels
It’s time for some educational fun now.
See the principle of operation of spacewheels demonstrated with three CD-players in micro gravity.
How does this work? Three spinning CD-players attached perpendiculary together will stabilize this „musical flightset demonstrator“ in space. This is accomplished by the gyroscopical forces induced by the spinning CD’s (It’s just physics law of conservation of angular momentum):
(Found on: , YouTube)
… now back to real spacewheels!

Slide 5: Some TELDIX(R) spacewheels of Rockwell Collins Deutschland GmbH

Slide 6: Sources of microvibration

Slide 7: Dynamic 3D force and torque measurements

Slide 8: The MyVibSystem, a technical view

Slide 9: The MyVibSystem serves as an active object plug-in host

Slide 10: The MyVibSystem, a GUI example

Slide 11: The MyVibSystem, an automated measurement and analysis session

Slide 12: The MyVibSystem, some post processing on vibration data sets

Slide 13: The MyVibSystem, Contourplot of a run-up, a measured Campbell-Chart

Slide 14: The MyVibSystem, Peak hold spectral analysis of a run-up

Slide 15: The MyVibSystem, real time ZOOM-FFT analysis (steady state)

Slide 16: Conclusion